Domino Ensemble Call for Scores – RESULTS

We received 44 pieces from 3 continents! The high caliber of the works was OUTSTANDING, it was a real thrill to be able to go through all of them. For this recording project, we selected the following composers and pieces (the list is in alphabetical order):
Sebastian Birch  Duplicitous Isolation

Lynn Blake John  The Little Buffalo

Michael Boyd  Animal Magnetism V

Nicholas Cline  abrade

Brian Field  ...and all that jazz…

Geoffrey Halgas  Village Folk Song

Aaron Hunt  Reluctant Dancer

Matthew Lam  Acrimonies

Yunfei MI Li  Made to Burn

Gabriel Malancioiu  Clavirgus

Kari Medina  Heart, Remember Dance

James Pecore  Samsāra

Piotr Szewczyk  Three Cartoons for Viola and Bass Clarinet

Robert Scott Thompson  Filigree and Shadow (two movements)