Southeastern Composers Collective – Concert II

Southeastern Electro-Acoustic Composers Collective Concert

Monday, November 13, 2017 at 6:00 p.m.
Powell Recital Hall

1-    La Jungla (2014) fixed media                Jorge Variego

2-    Ask Not… tuba and fixed media (2011)            Joe Alexander
Alex Lapins – tuba

3-    Aeromancer (2008) bassoon and fixed media        Peter Van Zandt Lane
Peter Van Zandt Lane – bassoon

4-    I/O (2017) fixed media                    William Price

5-    A House Lost in the Forest (2017)                David Peoples
Diana Peoples – piano

6-    UT Electroacoustic Ensemble – Dr. Jorge Variego founder director

Elise Stephens, live visuals
Alex Ring Gray, computer, EWI
Harry Ward, computer, keyboard
Joseph Cullen Burke, synthesizer
Marc Guigere, self-made instrument
Jorge Variego, computer
Tyler Hyers, piano, recorder
Gage Lippi, keys
Skye Van Duuren, trumpet
Wesley Fowler, percussion    
Brandan Harden, synthesizer     

16 veils at the SE Composers Collective

Super excited to be part of this project that involves composers from Tennessee, Georgia and Alabama. The series includes an event at UA Birmingham (September), UT Knoxville (November), UN Georgia (December), UG (January) and UGS (February). The repertoire includes new electroacoustic works by Gendelman, Alexander, Lane, Price, Variego, Bryant and Peoples.

Recontextualizations in the last issue of Ink&coda

My piece “Recontextualizations” was selected for the 4.2 summer release of the Ink&coda journal. I’m thrilled to be part of it among an outstanding selection of creative artists. The recording of the work features the Domino Ensemble with Mark Boling (guitar), Keith Brown (drums), Jon Hamar (double bass) and Jorge Variego (bass clarinet and electronics). Enjoy!


The UT EE at the 13th Electro Music Festival

The University of Tennessee Electroacoustic Ensemble will present a 30′ set at the Electro Music Festival in Indianápolis this Sunday August 6th 3:30 PM. The group will feature: Brandan Harden (saxophone – synthesizer), Alex Gray (EWI, saxophone and computer), Elise Stephens (visuals), Harry Ward (Keys), Gurudev Ball (synthesizer), Jorge Variego (direction, computer and self powered-processed drill).