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You can download mySketch6.pde (Sourcecode) and compile it with Processing.

Living colors.
Simple processing.

float a = 0;
float b = 0;
float co = 0;

void setup() {
colorMode(HSB, 100);
size(270, 150, P3D);


void draw() {
directionalLight(51, 102, 126, 0, -1, 0);
stroke(co, 80, 200, 1);

float x0 = map(sin(a) * sin(a) * noise(a) * random(0.5), -1, 1, 20, width – 20);
float y0 = map(cos(b), -1, 1, 20, height – 20);

float x1 = map(sin(b) * sin(a), -1, 1, 20, width – 20);
float y1 = map(cos(a), -1, 1, 20, height – 20);

line(x0, y0, x1, y1, random(100), random(-400));
line(y0, x0, y1, x1, random(100), random(-400));

a = a + 0.01;
b = b + 0.05;

co = co + 1;
if (co > 100) {
co = 0;


Guest at GATech in August

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Structured in two parts, the presentation will focus on the performative aspects of the electronics with and without external controllers.  
The first section will discuss live coding and algorithmic design in SuperCollider using two of my recent works as examples. La jungla and A rare form of kleptomania.
In the second portion I will address some aspects of instrument design and their potential for improvisational settings using external controllers in Max Msp.
Both sections will have live demonstrations and recordings.
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“La jungla” in the next CD by REDASLA – coming out in 2015


Red de Arte Sonoro Latinoamericano
Para RedASLA el arte sonoro integra a todas las actividades artisticas que trabajan con el sonido como medio de expresión. El termino trata de ser incluyente y no exluyente por lo que nos abstenemos intencionalmente de marcar limites específicos o tendencias estéticas. La Red tiene como objetivo incorporar ideas y maneras diversas de trabajar y componer a un ambiente de intercambio y promoción de proyectos y obras de sus integrantes.

Faculty recital at UT on March 4th

(click to watch the performance’s video)



Concert program – Dr Jorge Variego

March 4th 2015 8 PM – Powell Recital Hall

tele- (solo piano) 2010

Grace Lee

La jungla (piano y orquesta de ajubitas) 2014

fixed media

A rare form of kleptomania (violin and computer) 2014

Carlos Hernandez – violin
Jorge Variego – computer

Inner blues (vibraphone and color keyboard) 2015 – World premiere

Emory Hensley – vibraphone
Jorge Variego – color keyboard

Walls (flute nonet) 2007

Krysta Rutland, Flute, Piccolo
Lauren Asimakoupoulos,  Flute, Piccolo
Dr. Shelley Binder, Flute, Piccolo
Megan Whiteman, Flute, Piccolo
Parrel Appolis, Flute, Piccolo
Olivia Anderson, Flute, Piccolo
Kathryn Lasley, Alto Flute, Flute, Piccolo
Soihban Durry, Alto Flute, Flute
Jasmeen Pantleay, Bass Flute,  Flute

Director: Michael Douty

Program notes:


The piece brings back the origins of telecommunication. This idea severely limits the sonic environment: the rhythm is reduced to the basic idea of “short” and “long” values, and only a few pitches are utilized throughout the piece.

La jungla

La jungla is an automated algorithmic composition that combines textures of varying density with the manipulation of samples in real time. Written in SuperCollider, the piece uses a library of sounds taken from the book ‘Apuntes sobre nuevos recursos tímbricos para instrumentos de cuerda frotada’ by Marcelo Ajubita.

A rare form of kleptomania

The work is a derivative composition from pieces by other composers. It is a homage that celebrates many preexisting compositions without fixing to any of them. An idea formed by many other ideas with only one unique element, this very performance.
Inner blues

The work is a jazz ballad in sulfuric acid.


The piece is based on a nine-note block that is always observed from a different perspective. At the beginning it is seen as a perfect vertical simultaneity, then turning ninety degrees to become a horizontal succession of pitches that appears on the bass flute.
The unison represents the moment in a three dimensions rotation of the block in which all its components remain behind the only visible one, represented by a single note.
These procedures continue all through the piece until the climax point where seven piccolos gradually appear to overlap the horizontal line by the two lower flutes.
Towards the end the textures become more irrupting to conclude with a choral texture that emerges from the unison.


Terminus ensemble at UT – February 17th 2015

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Terminus Ensemble of Contemporary Music was founded in 2011 to promote new classical music by composers based in Atlanta, Georgia. Terminus was the original name of Atlanta – it was the end of the line for the Western & Atlantic Railroad. But Terminus does not literally mean “the end.” Rather, it means “boundary.” Our ensemble focuses on music made by natives and residents of Atlanta, but we also seek to explore the boundaries of art music.

Alvin Lucier Orchestral works – CD review

ALVIN LUCIER Orchestra Works. Diamonds for 1, 2 or 3 Orchestras. Slices. Exploration of the house • Christian Arming, Petr Kotik, Zsolt Nagy (cn); Charles Curtis (vlc); Demarre McGill (fl); Andrea Overturf (ob); Anthony Burr (cl); Valentin Martchev (bsn); Benjamin Jaber (hn); John Wilds (trp); Kyle Covington (trb); Jonathan Piper (tb); Jeff Thayer (vln); Jisun Yang (vln); Che-Yen Chen (vla); Yao Zhao (vlc); Jeremy Kurtz-Harris (db) ; Janácek Philharmonic Orchestra • New World Records 80755-2 (76:04)

Alvin Lucier’s music arises my most primitive curiosities. When I listen to his work, all the technicalities seem not to be relevant anymore, I only want to know how those sounds have been built, how the composer fabricated all the forms, sounds and textures. I experience a sort of sensorial challenge: is Lucier’s work meant to be touched or seen?

In Diamonds for 1, 2 or 3 Orchestras (1999) Lucier becomes a painter. Using the orchestra as his palette, the composer creates sonic shapes that move in space. Unisons, glissandi, and a split ensemble are some of the orchestrational resources that trigger the listener’s imagination. It is clear that the work is about the aural representation of diamond shapes, but the connections between sound and shape could remain hidden to the inattentive ear. The trajectories, forms, and colors of the aural bodies challenge our basic act of listening raising another fundamental question: do we really listen to this work or we look at it?

The middle track of the disc, Slices for cello and orchestra (2007), is anything but a traditional cello concerto. In fact, the cellist is more of a magician with a four-stringed wand than a soloist. The 53-note cluster (probably coming from the syntonic temperament) that reigns throughout the work covers the whole playing range of the solo instrument and is orchestrated in a way that every note is assigned to a different instrument of the ensemble. The compositional process is simple: with each note that the cello plays, an instrument of the orchestra (the one that plays that same note) becomes silent. Essentially, the music goes from cluster to silence and from silence to cluster. The process is clearly revealed but yet magical. This procedure repeats—not identically—for seven times until the work ends in silence.

In Exploration of the House (2005) Lucier revisits the feedback paradigm of I am sitting in a room in which he explored the resonances of the enclosed spaces. However, the sound source of the work is not the composers’ voice, but a selection of seventeen short fragments from Beethoven’s The Consecration of the House overture performed by the Janácek Philharmonic. Far from being self referential, the piece proposes a multi-layered homage: it celebrates Beethoven and Haydn’s meta personalities that slowly evaporate in front of a static orchestra. Interestingly, the climax arrives with utmost subtlety, in the very moment when the orchestral excerpts become unintelligible and the resonances of the concert hall take over.

Lucier’s Orchestra Works is not a regular album. With only three tracks, the CD unfolds the inner ear, constantly challenging the most primary act of listening. The sounds offered are not just for aural intake, they can be touched and seen.

Close your eyes and enjoy a world of multicolored tangible sonorities.